EMPLOYMENT Application For Employment First Name: Last Name: Email: Phone Number: Address: Referred by: Are you legally eligible to work in the U.S. (If hired, proof of eligibility will be required) Are you at least 18 years of age? (If not you may be required to provide a work authorization form) Describe any specialized training, licenses or skills you have recieved / earned: Employment Desired Contact Location: Sealy Position: Salary Desired: Date you can start: Availability: Are you currently employed? Yes No If so, can we contact your current employer? Yes No Have you ever applied to Wolf Pack Bar and Grill & Grill before? Yes No If so when? How did you hear about the employment opportunities at Wolfpack Bar and Grill? Education History Did you graduate High School? Yes No Years attended High School: Did you graduate College? Yes No Years attended College: Subject Studied: Degree earned? Former Employers Employer 1 Employer Name: Employment Began: Employment Ended: Salary: Reason for leaving: Position: Manager Name & Phone #: Employer 2 Employer Name: Employment Began: Employment Ended: Salary: Reason for leaving: Position: Manager Name & Phone #: Employer 3 Employer Name: Employment Began: Employment Ended: Salary: Reason for leaving: Position: Manager Name & Phone #: Other Do you have restaurant experience? Yes No If so, please describe your position and responsibilities: Please explain why you'd like to work at Wolf Pack Bar and Grill & Grill and how you can help to make this a better restaurant: Reference 1: Reference 2: Reference 3: